Naturamazonas: Forest Territories


Implements sustainable management schemes on natural forest ecosystems affected by human intervention; conservation, agroforestry and ecological restoration activities are developed, contributing to improve the connectivity of unique habitats, and reverse the processes of degradation and loss of biodiversity, and foster the alternative use of forests and the establishment of productive chains.

NATURAMAZONAS aims to carry out restoration activities on 1,000 hectares with the participation of communities and other stakeholders.


  • The actions developed by NATURAMAZONAS will contribute to reduce deforestation in the Amazonian Piedmont by at least 20% by 2021, based on national forest monitoring data (IDEAM).

  • NATURAMAZONAS will establish a model of demonstrative territorial management, based on the natural capital of the Andean-Amazonian Piedmont and the Amazonian floodplain, which promotes environmental governance and changes in the relationship of communities with nature.

  • To influence the design and implementation of normative instruments and public policies that contribute to the sustainable management of Andean-Amazonian forests.


With the commitment to reduce the rates of deforestation in the territory of the Amazonian Piedemonte, La Alianza Naturamazonas that brings together different Institutions of character, private and public, environmental, governmental and non-governmental.

The tropical forests in the world are disappearing and the great Amazon that had remained almost intact for decades as one of the natural treasures of the planet, has started its decline due to various causes, some of them geopolitical.


According to Global Forest Watch in 2018, 12 million hectares of natural forest were destroyed per minute in the Amazon, equivalent to 30 soccer fields per minute. In Colombia, an estimated 153,000 hectares of Amazonian forest were destroyed in a year, which means that 548 hectares were destroyed daily, equivalent to 71,788 tons of carbon dioxide expelled into the atmosphere, ranking 4th in deforestation among the 194 countries of the planet. This has direct repercussions on the decrease of biodiversity and the beginning of extinction processes of species, and on a socio-cultural level, the strong impact that is generated on indigenous cultures that coexist with the tropical forest. But beyond this, we are also losing the only natural machine that is able to absorb polluting gases and convert them into oxygen (around 56,542 tons of CO2 / day).


Faced with this alarming reality, and as the beginning of a process of change, several strategies have been defined to face the situation in Colombia, led by the National Government, organizations and other public and private entities. All seeking to stop the loss of forest, recover degraded areas and prosecute those responsible.


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